Thursday, July 9, 2020

Space Café WebTalk Recap: Dr. Raji Rajagopalan On Indian Space Security And The Future Of Indian Space - 2 June 2020

On 2 June, I did a virtual seminar on National Security Dynamics in India's Space Programme with the SpaceWatch Global's new series, Space Cafe WebTalk. I discussed how India’s approach to outer space has changed over the last decade and how it is now driven increasingly by national security concerns. I also addressed a range of other significant topics, including India’s controversial ASAT test, my thoughts on space collaboration with other nations, and the growth of private space industry in India, including ISRO’s support of it.

The talk was hosted by Torsten Kriening, co-publisher of SpaceWatch.Global and COO of ThorGroup GmbH. The Space Café WebTalks series is SpaceWatch.Global’s innovative webinar platform featuring global space experts.

For the video link to my talk, click here.

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